Connect Silent Retreat @ St. Lazare’s in Grand Haven!
The Connect Silent Retreat is this weekend and there’s still time to sign up! This will be a weekend of silence, reflection, Mass, adoration and discussions, all held at the beautiful property of St. Lazare’s Retreat House in Spring Lake Friday September 7-Sunday September 9. The cost will be $120 per person (retreat, lodging and meals included). For those interested, you must RSVP and get a $15.00 non-refundable deposit (cash or check) to Amy Raha ASAP. Please contact Amy at "> or 616.638.1758 for more information. We currently have about 15 people attending, which is enough to have the retreat, although the retreat house would like us to have at least 20 to cover their costs, so if you know of anyone who might be interested, please pass this info along to them and have them contact Amy right away.
Check out the Facebook event and RSVP-!/events/425059270862911/
Vision Meeting/Adoration & Confession
This week Wednesday, we’ll be having our monthly Vision Meeting in the Connect room in the basement of Holy Spirit at 6:45pm to discuss upcoming events and ideas for the group. Then around 7:30-7:45ish, we’ll head upstairs for Adoration and Confession with Fr. Mark. And afterwards, we’ll head out for a bite to eat at Applebees.
Potluck and Kickball Game!
Seeing as we have an extra Wednesday this month, this week Wednesday, we will be having a Potluck and Kickball game like we did a few months ago. We’ll meet at the bleachers behind Holy Spirit next to the baseball field at 7pm (yes, earlier than usual so we don’t end up playing in the dark) to eat and then around 7:45, we’ll start the game. Please bring a dish to pass and your kicking shoes and prepare for an evening of fun and shenanigans! And please RSVP to the facebook event and post what you’ll be bringing so we don’t end up with 25 bags of chips!
Check out the Facebook event and RSVP-!/events/164247937045287/
The story of the Church is told in the examples of those men and women who dedicated their lives to knowing and serving Jesus Christ. The Catholic Faith is made visible in real human lives. Father Barron gives consideration to some of the Church’s greatest heroes, and demonstrates how their extraordinary examples display both the passion and creative potential of the Catholic Church. Highlighting Katharine Drexel, Therese of Lisieux, Edith Stein, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Father Barron tells the story of the Church as a vast company of witness who are called by Christ to be a Communion of Saints.
Annual Connect Camping Trip in Leelanau!
This weekend is the long awaited Annual Connect Camping trip in Leelanau! We’ll be camping in Ben Rexroat’s (our former Connect President) backyard and will have a weekend of relaxation, socializing, beach volleyball, seadoos, swimming, hiking, wine tasting, etc. You can arrive as early as Thursday night (8/16) after dinner and it will go through Sunday afternoon (8/19). Food will be provided, but please bring $20-$25 to Connect this Wednesday if you can so we don’t have to pay for it all up front out of pocket. Also, please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get a headcount for food and post on the wall when you plan on arriving and who would like to carpool, so we get a good sense of who’s arriving when.
Check out the facebook event and RSVP-!/events/437865852900980/
Cleaning at the Pregnancy Resource Center & Assumption Mass at St. Andrews
Seminarian Tom Cavera and his journey to the Priesthood
This week Wednesday, we’ll be having seminarian Tom Cavera come and speak. He is in first year theology for the diocese, and will be talking on his own personal journey, the formation seminarians go through, and the formation that lay people experience in their lives. Jay Burke will wrap things up for the evening by briefly sharing about his upcoming year as a missionary and requesting prayers for his journey.We’ll be meeting at 7:30 in the basement of Holy Spirit Parish. Afterwards, we’ll head out to Applebees for a bit to eat.
August Vision Meeting/Adoration & Confession
Annual Weekend Canoe Trip on the Manistee River!
Coming up this weekend is the long awaited Annual Canoe Trip on the Manistee River! Please check facebook for all the finalized details that will be sent by this week Wednesday. As of right now, we have 7 from Connect, and 7 confirmed from the Traverse City Frassati young adult group (including Fr. Joe, who will be saying a vigil Mass on the river for us on Saturday night!). If any of you still plan on attending and have not RSVP’d, or did RSVP on facebook and can no longer attend, please confirm your status! We need to get a final head count so I can reserve enough canoes, and get the right amount of food for everyone. Any questions, please contact Amy Raha at ">
Check out the Facebook event and RSVP-!/events/255218897913336/