Catholic Connect

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Category: Connect

Trifecta Thanksgiving Dinner

7 November, 2010 (20:46) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick

Join Trifecta for their first annual progressive dinner. The night will be filled with a “lovely” dinner and a few saints will join the dinner for a little guessing game. Check out the Facebook event at Please RSVP by November 14 so enough food can be purchased for everyone. If you have any questions […]


7 November, 2010 (20:43) | Connect, Events | By: Tom Westrick

This Wednesday, 11/10, Jeff Duba will be giving a talk on Baptism. This will be at the usual time and place. Hope to see you there!

God, Sex, and the Meaning of Life

31 October, 2010 (21:59) | Events | By: Tom Westrick

**Passing along an e-mail from Mark Mann — this looks interesting** Christopher West will be the featured presenter at an evening for young adults on Friday, Nov. 5 from 7:00 – 9:30 pm at the St. Augustine Crowley Center, 542 W. Michigan Ave., in Kalamazoo (see map below). Christopher West is a research fellow and […]

Faure’s Requiem

31 October, 2010 (21:45) | Events | By: Tom Westrick

On Nov. 2, the feast of All Souls, the Diocesan Choir, accompanied by members of the Grand Rapids Symphony, will perform the beautiful choral work Requiem by Gabriel Faure. The Requiem is being presented as a musical reflection and prayer for all who have died within the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Consider joining us as […]

Nth Annual Connect Halloween Party

26 October, 2010 (18:46) | Connect, Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick

Come one and all for evening of costumed fun. We will continue the tradition of prizes for best costumes. We will also have games and probably a movie in the “screening room.” BYOB and a snack to pass. It WILL be a good time, guaranteed, or your money back. For more information, or to RSVP, […]

4th annual Trick or CAN

25 October, 2010 (12:35) | Events | By: Tom Westrick

Come one, come all! It’s time for Catholic Connect’s FOURTH annual Trick or Can food drive for Holy Spirit’s Food Pantry. (I can’t believe we’ve been doing this 4 years!) For you trick-or-canning newbies, this is our funnest service project of the year! We all get dressed up and go door to door in the […]

First Wednesday in November/Vision Meeting

25 October, 2010 (12:31) | Connect, Events, Vision Meeting | By: Tom Westrick

You are welcome to join us for a Holy Hour of Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday, November 3. This will start at Parish of the Holy Spirit at 7:30 PM Prior to this hour of adoration, we will be having our monthly vision meeting at 7 PM in the Connect room at […]

Mary: The Church’s First and Most Perfect Member

25 October, 2010 (12:24) | Events, Uncategorized | By: Tom Westrick

This Wednesday night at Holy Spirit, Fr. Marcos Zamora will be giving a talk entitled “Mary, the Church’s First and Most Perfect Member.” This will get underway at about 7:30 PM.

Unity and Community

17 October, 2010 (21:08) | Events | By: Tom Westrick

David Marchinda would like to let everyone know about a special speaker at Koinonia this week: Fr. Antione Thomas from the Community of St. John is a frequent guest on EWTN will be giving a talk on “Unity and Community.” This will take place on Tuesday, October 19 at 7 PM behind St. Thomas the […]

Shop Vacs and Broomsticks

17 October, 2010 (20:50) | Community Service, Connect, Events | By: Tom Westrick

(Five points to anyone who gets the movie reference, ten if you know the actress who starred in it) Just a reminder that we will be meeting for our monthly service project on Wednesday, September 15. We will be doing volunteer work at Pregnancy Resource Center (415 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids) from 6:30 PM […]