3 May, 2011 (12:52) | Events, Vision Meeting | By: Tom Westrick
This Wednesday is the first Wednesday of May already, which means we’ll be having Adoration and Confession upstairs in the chapel at Holy Spirit at 7:30. Prior to this at 6:45, we’ll be having our monthly vision meeting downstairs in the connect room where we’ll be discussing upcoming events, etc. Please come share your ideas!
26 April, 2011 (12:09) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
In keeping with the celebratory season of Easter, instead of having a speaker this week Wednesday, we will be having a fellowship night of games and food! So please bring your favorite games (or cards) and a dish to pass and we’ll have a relaxing night of fun with fellow Connectors. We’ll be meeting as […]
25 April, 2011 (02:18) | Connect | By: Tom Westrick
I’ve gone around and made some changes and updates to a few things. First, the Facebook page was not being properly utilized, and I found someone with access to the admin to add me to it so that I could get it up to speed with proper updates. I’ve also added the fan box to […]
Tags: Connect, Facebook, grCatholic, Twitter
19 April, 2011 (12:39) | Community Service, Events, Random | By: Tom Westrick
It’s the third Wednesday of April this week. So that means we’ll be meeting at The Pregnancy Resource Center (415 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids) from 6:30 to 8:00 to do some cleaning. Following this, we’ll be heading over to Cygnus 27 in the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel (187 Monroe Avenue NW Grand Rapids) to help Joanna celebrate […]
12 April, 2011 (09:48) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This Friday, we’ll be getting together to attend Soup & Stations at the Cathedral of Saint Andrews in downtown Grand Rapids (265 Sheldon SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503). Soup and bread supper will be at 6 pm in the Parish Center followed by the Stations of the Cross at 7 pm in the Church. http://www.cathedralofsaintandrew.org/ […]
12 April, 2011 (09:46) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This Wednesday, we’ll be having our first speaker for April! Jim Penrice will be speaking at 7:30 pm in the Connect room at Holy Spirit on the New Mass Translation (what to expect, what the changes are, how we will see these implemented, etc). He is a parishoner and active lay member of St. Mary’s […]
5 April, 2011 (12:43) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This Saturday April 9 is the Trifecta Young Adult Charity Dance at Our Lady of Consolation Church in Rockford (4865 11 Mile Rd. Rockford, MI). Come join us for a great night of food and fun while helping out a wonderful cause at the same time. The evening begins at 6:00 with appetizers. Dinner prepared by the […]
5 April, 2011 (12:41) | Events, Vision Meeting | By: Tom Westrick
This Wednesday is the first Wednesday of April already, which means we’ll be having adoration and confession in the chapel at Holy Spirit at 7:30. Prior to that, at 6:45, we’ll be holding our monthly vision meeting in the Connect room in the basement of Holy Spirit to discuss upcoming events, etc. Please come join […]
28 March, 2011 (17:47) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This Friday, we’ll be having our second lenten fish fry at Blessed Sacrament Parish (2275 Diamond Ave NE Grand Rapids, MI) at 6 pm. Just meet at the back entrance to the school where the line starts or depending on when you get there, we may already be in line. Check out the Facebook […]
28 March, 2011 (17:45) | Events, Fellowship, Theology on Tap | By: Tom Westrick
This Wednesday, we’ll be having our first Theology on Tap for 2011! Please come join us at 7 pm at Derby Station (2237 Wealthy St. SE Grand Rapids, MI) where Dave Sipka, Superintendent of Montague Area Public Schools and former Catholic Schools administrator, will be speaking on “The Historical Death of Jesus”. Check out […]