27 September, 2011 (19:58) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
Last minute change in plans. This week, instead of having a speaker, we will be partaking in Lectio Divina, which for those who are not familiar with the term is reading (lectio), reflecting on (meditatio), responding to (oratio) and resting in (contemplatio) the Word of God with the aim of nourishing and deepening one’s relationship with […]
20 September, 2011 (17:12) | Community Service, Events | By: Tom Westrick
This week Wednesday is already the third Wednesday of the month, so that means we’ll be having another night of cleaning at the Pregnancy Resource Center downtown (415 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids). Please meet at 6:30 and once we finish up around 8, we’ll head out for a bite to eat like we usually […]
12 September, 2011 (22:04) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This week Wednesday, instead of having our usual speaker from outside our Connect group, we’ll be doing something a little bit different. Seeing as they will be celebrating the sacrament of marriage in less than a month, our very own Brian Nolan and fiance Tiffany King will be leading us in a discussion on the […]
6 September, 2011 (18:07) | Corporate Communion, Events, Fellowship, Uncategorized | By: Tom Westrick
This Sunday, we will be meeting at St. Mary’s in Marne (15165 Juniper Drive Marne, MI) for our monthly Corporate Communion. Mass will be at 11:00am outdoors and after mass, we will be going to the parish festival/picnic. Please bring a chair for Mass (unless you really want to sit on the grass) and try to arrive a little […]
6 September, 2011 (18:04) | Events, Vision Meeting | By: Tom Westrick
Can you believe it? It’s already September! Well that means this Wednesday being the first Wednesday of the month, we’ll be having Adoration and Confession with Fr. Mark in the Chapel at Holy Spirit at 7:30. Prior to that we’ll be having our monthly Vision Meeting in the Connect room at 6:45 to discuss upcoming events, […]
30 August, 2011 (18:16) | Events, Fellowship, Random | By: Tom Westrick
Seeing as we have an extra Wednesday this month, we’re going to be having a BBQ and kickball game! So please bring a dish to pass and your amazing kickball skills and it should be a fun night. We’ll be meeting at the kickball field behind Holy Spirit at 7 pm (yes, a half hour […]
23 August, 2011 (18:06) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This Wednesday, we’ll be having our second speaker of August. Sue Dressel, part of our current Connect network, will be speaking on the topic of Social Media. So we will meet in the Connect room in the basement of Holy Spirit at 7:30 as we usually do and then we’ll head over to Applebees for […]
14 August, 2011 (22:53) | Community Service, Events | By: Tom Westrick
Well unfortunately for those of you who love summer, it’s already the third week in August 🙁 …but that also means it’s time for another service night cleaning the Pregnancy Resource Center in downtown GR! (415 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids). So please join us this Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 for some cleaning and […]
9 August, 2011 (17:11) | Events, Fellowship | By: Tom Westrick
This week Wednesday, we’ll be having our first speaker of August. We will be welcoming Fr. Ed Hankiewicz who is currently the parish priest at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Grand Rapids. He will be speaking on the topic of Canon Law and the role the Church plays in community. So as usual, we’ll be meeting […]
2 August, 2011 (18:10) | Events, Fellowship, Random | By: Tom Westrick
Back by popular demand, is the Second (hopefully annual) Connect Camping Trip in Leelanau in our very own Ben Rexroat’s parent’s backyard! This year, it will be held from Thursday, August 4th to Sunday, August 7th. The plan is the same as last year, which means we will play it by ear, but consider beach and […]