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Theology on Tap @ Derby Station

5 July, 2011 (16:41) | Events, Theology on Tap | By: Tom Westrick

Wednesday, July 13th, we’ll be having Theology on Tap at Derby Station (2237 Wealthy St. SE Grand Rapids) at 7 pm.  The topic will be “Benedict’s Creative Minority” and the speaker will be Dr. Samuel Gregg, director of research at the Acton Institute.  Dr. Gregg has written and spoken extensively on questions of political economy, economic history, ethics in finance, and natural law theory. He has an MA in political philosophy from the University of Melbourne, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in moral ph…ilosophy and political economy from the University of Oxford, where he worked under the supervision of Professor John Finnis. He is the author of several books, including Morality, Law, and Public Policy (2000), On Ordered Liberty (2003), his prize-winning The Commercial Society (2007), The Modern Papacy (2009), and Wilhelm Röpke’s Political Economy (2010).  For those of you who are new to Theology on Tap, a presentation is given at a local restaurant while the audience relaxes and enjoys the food, drink, and ambiance of the location. It’s a relaxing way to learn a little and meet new people.

Check out the facebook event and RSVP-